A while back, when I used to try to predict where balloon lofted packages would land, I had to work with winds-aloft data the old fashioned way. Recent data files and simple atmospheric models got us fairly close. Things are better now as people have written a lot of the software to automate that.
Along the way, a guy (look him up in the 'about us' section on the app) behind nullschool.net did this and a lot of other things to lay data across a map for us. It's not the integrator we needed back then, but it IS a good visualizer showing how things can be done.
For this particular image, I used an unusual projection of the globe so we can see most of it. This one shows the amount of SO2 in the air at the moment and where winds are dragging the stuff. Look carefully and you'll see continental outlines. [I put a split on Siberia because we don't generate a lot of SO2 from there. Same for Antarctica.]
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