26 October 2020

Energy related CO2 emission in various US States

With a new administration on the horizon here in the US, some thought can be given once again to CO2 mitigation strategies. They all require that we consider facts, of course. That shouldn't need to be said, but in this era, I think it necessary.
Toward this goal, I offer a quick review of energy related CO2 emissions in various US States. Some States are trending up. Some are trending down. Some are flat. How? Why? They probably have individual stories to tell for each of them.

 For California energy-related emissions within the CAISO boundry, we ARE seeing the mid-day impact of renewables. CAISO's plan involves the installation of a great deal more battery storage on the grid over the coming years, so renewable energy generated off-peak can be delivered on-peak. When they get there, those split peaks in the emission curve will spread further apart and be suppressed.

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