By itself, this list won't mean much to any reader.
If, instead, you got here from David Brin's "Contrary Brin" blog, it will.
In one comment I made there, I mentioned reflecting in where my head has been and how much of it got expressed in actual words there. Turns out there IS a difference.
Anyway... this material is the review of my own comments that I mentioned. I post it here to avoid clutter over there.
Wanna know more? Check out Contrary Brin. It is an interesting community.
Jan 22-25
Thinking in terms of influenza. Hadn't quite realized it was a corona virus
Jan 25-29
Pedantic thinking about trading transmission rate with lethality rate, but barely interacting
Jan 29 - Feb 15
personal anecdote while thinking about measles, then a gap to deal with death in the family
Feb 15-19
Thinking politics mostly. CA primary.
Feb 19-21
Thinking politics, beginning to mention equity market issues, but mostly silent on details.
Feb 21-25
Still thinking politics… specifically about predictions.
Feb 25 - Mar 11
Feb 25 first mention of dark thoughts involving equity markets and the economy, but still thinking politics.
Then back to money in politics.
Mar 11-14
Mild optimism about virus. Gloomy about impact on economy. Angry about incompetent leadership.
First prediction | political impact (due to economic one) will be worse than medical impact.
[People were already working at mitigation efforts in a crowdsourced way and I could see them.]
{Started working from home. Stressing about sister.}
Mar 14-18
Looking at markets for forward looking evidence of administration intent independent of what they say in press briefings.
Personal anecdote involving co-morbidities. Another about how great civilization is at keeping most of us alive.
Wasted time refuting locumranch.
{Whole family now working from home.}
Mar 18-21
Nothing useful to offer about pothole idea.
Kibitzed about relative rankings for States while others argued about which one sucked more than the others.
Mar 21-25
Thinking a bit about unemployment, but mostly from a political angle.
Staying out of medical projections game.
{Didn't stay out of it on Twitter.}
Mar 25-28
Wasted more time refuting locumranch's lazy thinking about lethality rates.
Realized Matthew is right about locumranch.
[Larry was right too.]
Mar 28 - Apr 01
Minor economics quibbles about the role CA plays in the world.
Avoiding defining 'essential'. Why? Can't seen to avoid wasting time refuting locumranch.
Apr 01-04
Viral defense through behavior change, then back to politics.
Then back to offering alternatives to biological conspiracy theories.
Apr 04-08
Began seriously to look at Libertarian positions being taken regarding quarantines and getting perturbed about them.
Quarantine distractions.
Stepped into 'essential workers' argument finally.
Apr 08-11
Comments on Libertarian positions and perspectives.
Apr 11-15
Nothing useful to offer.
{Spending my time talking to local libertarians. Arguing sorta.}
Apr 15-present
Nothing useful to offer.
{Spending my time with local libertarians. Arguing a bit more by taking unpopular position.}
"Are we overdoing it? No doubt. Like a fire alarm that can't be shut off, people learn to grind their teeth and then try ignore us. Sometimes there is a fire, though. Irritating, but true.
Don't worry Alfred.
You'd never be able to overdo it the way some Rightists do.
And that will never grow bigger in their self-righteousnes and chutzpah... then regular Leftists. ;P
"The problem is that with that power to observe them, I become a member of an elite with awesome powers. I become the very danger I'm worried they might become. What's to limit me, then? I can't give this awesome power to someone else without creating an elite group that knows too much, thus I have to protect my freedom myself, right? Everyone does. Follow the logic on that and we wind up with a requirement for sousveillance and an abandonment of the notion that my freedom relies upon an elite group not knowing much about me. What my freedom REALLY relies upon is ALL of us being able to know what the elites know."
Lame excercise in idle thoughts.
You did not live in totalitarian country, are you?
Practice ruines all your imaginary constructions.
Soviet Union WAS EXACTLY THAT sweet world of thorough sousveillance you are dreaming about.
All was watching for everyone, and readily reporting to "organs".
And we all know what elites know, because "elites" became as dumb as the last dumb redneck and/or hillbilly (in your terms).
As direct result of that exactly practice.
Ending you know.
Soviet Union WAS EXACTLY THAT sweet world of thorough sousveillance you are dreaming about.
That's what many were taught to believe.
Lots of people WERE watching everyone, but the peasants at the bottom couldn't.
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